Weight Loss Tips

Debunking Weight Loss Myths

Many people rely on the Internet for information on losing weight. There’s so much information on weight loss out there that it’s easy to get confused. To help you separate fact from fiction when it comes to successful weight loss, we’ve debunked some of the more common weight loss myths that can ultimately affect your weight loss journey.

Tips for Thanksgiving Success

Thanksgiving is a challenge if you’re on program and can also be a challenge in Maintenance.
Even though you can count it as an indulgence day it’s good to keep best practices in mind.
We have a few tips and recipes that will help you stay on track.

Ideal Protein vs. Keto

If you or someone you know is interested in trying a proven a ketogenic diet and haven’t seen success with Keto, the Ideal Protein protocol might be the weight loss solution you’re looking for.

Even if you are crazy busy, you can still lose weight

No doubt about it—losing weight will require a commitment of time. But where do you find that time?
If you’re like most of us, you have a job that keeps you hopping (or sitting most of the day), an active family life and the daily stresses that happen in our lives. You may wonder how you’re going to add one more thing to your day.

Why We Eat Too Much

Guest Post from School of Life The School of Life is designed to help you live a calmer, wiser, more…

How to be a successful dieter

At Vital Body we know that true success comes when your head, heart and body are in sync. Success meaning, you feel good in your body, you feel good in your mind and your heart is happy. Will you feel awesome all the time? Probably not, but you want enough tools and habits to be in this “happy” place a majority of the time.