I had all the right reasons for not starting the Ideal Protein Diet but I did it anyway and I’m so glad I did.
“Yes, I know the science is all there,” I thought to myself. “After all, it does makes sense to me. But there’s gotta be a catch!”
“The catch”, as I soon discovered, is that you must follow the protocol exactly for it to work and then it works like clockwork. Despite understanding the science that made the Ideal Protein diet a safe and healthy way to lose weight, I still thought “this is so strict and crazy, who would want to eat like that?”.
But my strong hope to lose the stubborn weight I’d slowly gained over the last 10 years kept me searching for more. As I did my research, here’s what I finally understood, the light bulb moment: it’s a DIET. It’s a diet and diets have a beginning and an end. It’s not how you should eat forever, it’s only how you should eat to lose weight, specifically FAT. “Ah!” I sighed with elation and relief because I’d finally gotten over all my inner resistance about doing a diet. I later discovered while doing the Ideal Protein Diet that it’s an easy diet to follow, especially when you see 2-4 lbs of fat disappearing from your body each week. It’s actually even fun. More on this later.
In the meantime, I know many of you can probably relate to all the reasons I had for not doing the diet. I chased my own tail for over a year and watched as the inner skeptic took hold each time. I’m so glad I took a leap of faith and let my inner guide see the logic of what diets can provide (diets that are well designed and based on good solid science of course).
Reasons I had for not doing the diet:
The final decision.
Advice for skeptics.
The truth is you will most likely have to take a leap of faith if you know you are a skeptic. Remember, you really have nothing to lose. The Ideal Protein Program is a truly healthy, scientifically designed program for losing weight so you won’t be harming your body (unlike other sketchy diets out there). Give yourself two weeks, I doubt you will look back.
Here’s some offerings for when you take that leap of faith:
- Once on the program, it’s one day at a time. Be patient with yourself and enjoy the journey.
- Clear some calendar space for grocery shopping and meal times and time to find your groove.
- Weight loss will happen on the program inevitably (it’s science), so focus on celebrating each step of the way.
If you are in the Lower Mainland area of Vancouver, British Columbia, you are welcome to come in for a free consultation to find out more about our program and to meet with a coach. You can book online here: vitalbody.ca/free-consultation.
I hope my story helps you take a leap of faith and embark on a journey that will forever change your life.
In gratitude to the Ideal Protein Diet,
Love this open hearted, concise & intelligently vulnerable sharing Zan! Such a nice tool to discover while in the middle of week 3! 🙂
Grâce et Gratitude en pleine,
So glad you found it inspiring as you begin your own weight loss journey. It’s all certainly life changing! Keep it up! – Zan